Monday 31 October 2011

Rads & Over Zealous Drilling

Oh it was all going so well.  The plasterer had finished, the carpenter was putting in doors and skirting boards, careful with that drill there carpenter, and the plumbers were finishing up the bathroom, having installed the great new vertical radiators that will be real space savers.  No more rads behind the sofa.

But then ... where's that water coming from?  Yes through the ceiling there!  "But I flushed 20 times last week and there was no problem" pleads the plumber.  Investigation reveals that flushing is no substitute from keeping an eye on carpenters wielding power

tools, here used artistically to drill straight into the soil pipe in several places!  Lucky we found that as I was about to try the facilities for real!  So here are the Polish plumbers taking the wall apart to repair the damage!

One day, one day ... it will all be over, so my psychiatrist assures me ...
oh look it's fixed; now put the wall back can you?

Friday 28 October 2011

Master ensuite

What a difference a bit of tiling makes! From a hole in the wall space a possible shower room emerges like a phoenix from the ashes.

We decided to go for some mad mosaic limestone floor tiles a bit like the pavement tiles you see in places like Portugal. It looked good in the show room. Anyway, here they are in our bathroom.

Monday 24 October 2011

Painting Issues

So we had a debate about the colour of our house.  D wanted "African Daisy blue" supported only by a random passer by; everyone else (including all the builders) went for "Swansdown green". So here is the result.  Do colour charts lie? 
In close up you can see the difference in colour between the  white frames and features and the Swansdown pebbledash, but it's less obvious from afar.  The result is all right (and all white in my opinion without a lisp!) so is there a case for changing to something more striking? Even at £52 a pot, as Tim the exasperated builder reminds us!  I think so!!!!  Who wants to fade into the background?  dt

Friday 14 October 2011

Crack Den Design

Hopefully neighbours are tolerating our new crack den look as the front of the house gets blasted off ready for painting.  The criminal underclass chic continues inside with this understated wires and crumbling wall ensemble.